How to cancel a subscription plan?
You can cancel your subscription plan at any time. This article is a step-by-step guide on how to do that.
You can still use your canceled plan's conversions until it expires. You can find the expiration date in your ConvertAPI dashboard.
Once you cancel the subscription, it is scheduled to be canceled on the next billing date. If you change your mind, you can choose not to cancel your plan until it expires.
Sign in to your ConvertAPI dashboard
In the main dashboard menu, click on " Billing " -> " Usage*"
Select "Cancel plan" from the Plan's actions on the right-hand side
The pop up will appear, please confirm the action
That's it! You have canceled your subscription plan.
You can still use your canceled plan's conversions until it expires. You can find the expiration date in your ConvertAPI dashboard.
Once you cancel the subscription, it is scheduled to be canceled on the next billing date. If you change your mind, you can choose not to cancel your plan until it expires.
Please follow these steps to cancel a subscription plan
Sign in to your ConvertAPI dashboard
In the main dashboard menu, click on " Billing " -> " Usage*"
Select "Cancel plan" from the Plan's actions on the right-hand side
The pop up will appear, please confirm the action
That's it! You have canceled your subscription plan.
Updated on: 04/12/2024
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