Articles on: Billing & Pricing

Invoice payment failed - what it means and how to fix it?

Occasionally, you may find yourself in a situation where an invoice payment fails. In this article, we will explain what it means and how to fix it.

If the invoice payment fails multiple times, it may lead to potential disruptions in our service availability.

Why did I receive an invoice?

Invoices are usually issued for the overage conversions when you exceed your purchased conversions limit. You can read more about overage on this article:

What are overage conversions?

Why did the payment fail?

"Invoice payment failed" notification typically means that a payment attempt to settle an invoice for goods or services has not been successful. This can occur for various reasons, such as insufficient funds in the payment account, expired credit card information, technical issues, or errors in the payment process. When an invoice payment fails, we usually retry the payment every 24 hours. If the invoice payment fails multiple times, it may lead to potential disruptions in service.

How do I fix this?

Please make sure you have enough funds on your credit card. Also, check if the credit card is not expired. You can find the unpaid invoice in your account dashboard. If there are insufficient funds, please top up your credit card and retry the payment manually under the Invoices and Receipts section. If the credit card has expired, please update your payment method under the billing section and retry the payment or wait until it will be retried automatically from our end.

Updated on: 17/08/2023

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